The Tin Dragon Interpretation Centre and Cafe is located in Derby, North-East Tasmania.
A billion litres of water with nowhere to go. Experience the power and the fury of water in the epic story of Tasmania’s Tin Rush and the miners, European and Chinese, who sought their fortune from this remarkable metal.
The Briseis Mine, in its heyday, became the world’s largest exporter of tin ore, but in 1929 severe weather caused a dam burst of massive proportions wreaking devastation upon the township of Derby in a fury of flooding so huge it caused the river to reverse its flow for five miles upstream. Everyday items and personal treasures swept aside now stand as quiet but stark monuments to the personal losses of those hard working men and their families.
From viewing platforms gaze and marvel at the effect upon the landscape of the sheer hard manual grind taken to pull the metal from the earth and natures violent and revenge.
Outside the Tin Dragon Centre, a bronze sculpture stands poignantly in silent monument to those whose lives were lost in this sudden and terrible disaster.
Place Categories: See & Do in the North East.
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[…] could also visit the sub-Antarctic Plant House at the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens. Y