The Lucas Hotel (c.1872) offers quality accommodation and fine cuisine at Latrobe, in Tasmania.
The Lucas Hotel offers four ensuite rooms with queen size beds and five standard rooms with shared bathroom facilities. All ensuite rooms have modern heating, television, refrigerator, telephone and tea and coffee making facilities. Travellers find warm and friendly hospitality here as they always have.
Sightseeing in historic Latrobe, the beautiful surrounding countryside, the vineyards where you can taste and buy, the beaches and bays of the north coast, can be (should be!) strenuous. Lukeys Bar and Grill is a great place to come back to for a quiet and reviving drink in front of the open fire and then a great dinner. The hotel has a coffee shop, tasting room and a restaurant boasting fine dining and cuisine.
Place Categories: Stay in Devonport.
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[…] could also visit the sub-Antarctic Plant House at the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens. Y