Step into another world at Looking Glass Cottage’s “Fibre Optic Magic” at Railton.
Looking Glass Cottage specialises in magical mood lamps, and Christmas lighting – discover an amazing array of beautiful mood and character lamps, Christmas novelties and fibre optic trees up to eight feet high displayed in beautiful dark rooms.
We have beautiful giftware, novelty items and fabulous topiary frames – find that gift for any special occasion.
View our murals inside and outside, and discover our amazing Character Topiary Gardens including “Cradle Mountain National Paddock” with its many topiary characters including Tasmania’s only “living” topiary Tassie Tiger.
Neil is the inspiration for “Town of Topiary” and is happy to chat about his unique character topiary creations, creating topiary and how the concept for the town came into being.
Free Railton Topiary Trail Maps, viewing of topiary gardens, and viewing in our magical dark rooms. Group and bus tour groups most welcome.
Looking Glass Cottages is a 20-30 minute drive from Devonport via Latrobe on the scenic route to Cradle Mountain.
Free undercover electric barbecue and toilets (including disabled) directly across the road from Looking Glass Cottage in Lions Park, and free motor home park at Railway Park.
Place Categories: See & Do in Devonport.
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[…] could also visit the sub-Antarctic Plant House at the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens. Y