Legerwood Carved Memorial Trees are trees sculpted into World War One soldiers in Dorset, Tasmania. The 25 statues depict the fallen men they were planted for in 1918.
During a ceremony at the railway reserve at Ringarooma Road (renamed Legerwood in December, 1918) trees were planted in honour of fallen soldiers. As the names were called out, a relative of the soldier came forward to hold the tree before planting. In 2001, a report indicated that the trees were no longer safe and the community were devastated that the memorials would be lost. By 2004, it was decided that each of the stumps would be carved into the likeness of each soldier. A chainsaw carver, Eddie Freeman of Ross, was asked by the Legerwood Hall and Reserves Committee to sculpt the masterpieces. Various scenes depicting world War One were also carved.
Walk along the avenue of trees and take in the World War One history displayed. Notice the Weymouth Pine at each end of the avenue representing Gallipoli and the Anzac soldiers who fought during this time. Enjoy the picnic area and peaceful surroundings.
Dorset is approximately one hours’ drive (86 kilometers/53 miles) from Launceston.
Place Categories: See & Do in the North East.
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[…] could also visit the sub-Antarctic Plant House at the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens. Y