Take the good sealed road 87 km west from Mt Field National Park to reach the two hydro storages of Lake Gordon and Lake Pedder, set in wild Southwest wilderness and ringed with rugged mountain ranges. Both lakes are excellent wild trout fisheries and have good boat launching facilities. Check the weather forecasts before you go on the lake conditions change fast. Call into the vistitor centre at the Lake Pedder Chalet, in the former township of Strathgordon. A further 12km west of Strathgordon is the Gordon Dam, an impressive 140m high structure holding back more water than Sydney Harbour. It’s also the site of Australias longest vertical abseil.
Current park passes must be purchased for entry to Tasmania’s national parks. For full details please visit the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife website.
Place Categories: See & Do in the Derwent Valley & Highlands.
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[…] could also visit the sub-Antarctic Plant House at the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens. Y