Discover the ultimate beer lover’s experience; take a tour of James Boag’s Historic Brewery in Launceston, Tasmania.
Tours start and finish at the Boag’s Centre for Beer Lovers; situated in the historic Tamar Hotel, open seven days a week. The Centre features a bar and cafe where you can taste the beer or stop for a coffee, a museum, and a gift shop.
The Boag’s Beer Lovers Tour (allow 90 minutes) provides a more comprehensive insight into all stages of the brewing and packaging process, followed by a tasting of James Boag’s award winning beers accompanied by some of Tasmania’s finest cheeses. Bookings essential.
James Boag’s Brewery is a short distance from Launceston’s central business district.
Place Categories: See & Do in Launceston.
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[…] could also visit the sub-Antarctic Plant House at the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens. Y