Highest Abseiling in the world at Strathgordon
By Grant Digital at July 28, 2016 | 2:46 pm | 0 Comment
Just 2 hours drive from Hobart, Strathgordon offers brilliant natural experiences in the Tasmanian wilderness on the banks of Lake Pedder, Australia’s largest freshwater laake and offers adventure experiences such as the world’s highest abseiling experience! Spectacular landscapes of the area are packed full of adventure activities. It’s where
Fly Fishing in the North East
By Grant Digital at December 4, 2015 | 12:44 pm | 0 Comment
You’ve probably seen fly fishing on TV. Either in a National Geographic documentary or in an American movie. But did you know that you can try your hand at this fine sport in Tasmania? Just 20 kilometres inland from Burnie, in North West Tasmania there lies the Natone Hills Fly Fishery. Well stocked with Rainbow Trout, the waters of the fishery are open year