Bismarck Metal Craft is a maker of quality fine steel products in Deloraine, northern Tasmania. It is a Tasmanian producer of knives, swords, cutlery, armour and other products.
Bismarck Metal Craft operate a gallery displaying the handcrafted pieces, open to the public. Bismarck Metal Craft is an Australian registered craft business, in operation since 1988, owned and operated by Ken Bradford. The aim of the business is to produce fine quality edge ware using modern steel. Each piece is crafted to an exceptional standard and all blades are heat treated professionally.
Wander through the gallery and if you choose to purchase, a certificate of origin will be presented. This confirms that it is a collector’s piece as well as a user piece, guaranteeing the quality. Bismarck Metal Craft does not produce pieces that are illegal or restricted in any state of Australia. The Gallery contains both previous works and works that are for sale. While you are in the area, wander the quaint township of Deloraine, marvel at the Great Western Tiers mountain range or even take a day trip to majestic Cradle Mountain.
Deloraine is approximately 40-minutes’ drive (53 kilometres/33 miles) west from Launceston.
Place Categories: See & Do in Devonport.
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[…] could also visit the sub-Antarctic Plant House at the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens. Y