
Bayview Guesthouse


Offering old fashioned service to all of their guests, continuing the traditions from days gone by, all guests are welcomed whether you are staying one night or many, the aim is to make your stay in Stanley and the Bayview relaxing and restful!

  • The Bayview Guesthouse has been welcoming guests through her doors for over 150 Years!
  • In November 2015 Stanley was named “number 1 Destination” in Tasmania by Trivago!
  • Don’t judge a book by it’s cover, her exterior has weathered generations and she is bold and beautiful, but her soul is calm, welcoming and relaxing.

Featuring amazing views of Sawyer’s Bay, Tatlow’s Beach, the Green Hills beyond and the towering Nut in her back yard….ever changing gardens surround her, birdlife and wildlife and signs of days gone by.


Place Categories: Stay in Circular Head.

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